Internal Auditor Training
Your achievements
- Capability to perform a process based audit (“being a cookie as an auditor in a cookie factory”).
- Able to influence the improvement steps to be taken after the closing session of an audit.
- Knowing how to audit the motion of a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.
- Hands-on experience (via simulation) of interview’s over all levels in the organization (from CEO till the shop-floor).
Our efforts
- Exercises with simulated processes (a.o. design, manufacturing, transactional and managerial processes).
- Exercises in interviewing the people showing “not so easy” behaviour, such as "the dreamer", "the silent", "auditor's biggest frend" and "the biggest enemy of an auditor").
- Intensive feedback from the trainers on preparation for an audit, questioning, behaviour, written reporting and presenting the outcome of an audit.
- “Walking through” the relevant standards (e.g. ISO 9001). How to interpret the requirements for a specific process in the given context.
Example af an capability self-assessment for the auditors.