Lean Management system
Your benefits
- Easy and less costly to maintain Quality Mgt. System.
- More flexibility at the moment of changes in the market or organizational structure.
- Higher acceptance of the QMS because of its simplicity.
- User frendly QMS.
Our approach
- Compare a Quality Mgt. System with a garden where 3 years no maintenance was done. Structure of the garden, the viewing lines have completely disappeared. Some of the trees are not growing, but maybe even dying because of to little light and air.
- What is a good gardener going to do now? He will cut away all death parts, make free space between the trees, to give them the chance to recover. What part of the garden is really important, where are the visitors going to enjoy the views and the beauty of the nature?
- The same approach is valid for a Quality Mgt. System becoming too big, too complicated, missing clear structure and clear purpose for the parts of the system from the user point of view.
- Tools used for creating Lean processes could be also used to improve Quality Mgt. System.