How to design an Impactful Speach?
Your experience
- “Why should I skip ¾ of my beautifully made slides?”
- “And now I have to use only 3 of my slides – next time you will ask me to use only ONE !*!”
- “Oh, yes, I will, do it now!”
- “At the end I was able to give my presentation even without my slides.”
- “Less means really more – I had never believed that before”
- “Now I can use the moments of silence to give my speech more impact.”
Our response
- Speaking is like learning to play a music: Performing and getting feedback, improving, performing again and getting feedback. Again, again and again.
- The secret of high impact speech?
- Preparation, preparation and again preparation.
- Creation of the speech-map, what are the essentials?
- Contact, contact and again contact with the audience!
- Ask for feedback, experiment, learn, change and learn again.
- Use of metaphores, simple examples from daily life.
- Get “under the skin” of your audience.
- Approach them as individuals, even if there are 600 of them.
